I, like many women my age, enjoy many hours of my afternoons in the fragrant bliss of my gardens. Besides my rose garden, with its small bench, my herb garden contributes to the fragrance of many an afternoon outside and inside my kitchen. I created my herb garden years ago when I realized that home-grown herbs are so much more delicious and potent than any bought at the store. Mint, rosemary, thyme, and so many others crowd around the base of my kitchen window. So, imagine my delight when a friend gifted me this book, The Most Powerful and Efficient Medicinal Plants, by Health Publishing Company! Beyond the obvious herbal teas that we grow up with, I had never experimented in using my herbs for medicinal reasons. This book is a wonder!

Mint has taken on a whole new job description beyond a roasted leg of lamb. Did you know if can relieve indigestion after you indulge a bit too much the night before? There are a variety of uses and remedies to be found in the typical herb garden, although, I have to admit that my planted selection has multiplied after reading through this book. Even if you aren’t interested in home gardening, the local store has a majority of those called for in the book. I should also add that, as it states in the title, this book by the Health Publishing Company extends past garden herbs and includes plants as well. And the remedies are not just for aches and pains, but are also useful for more serious afflictions.
Something for everyone
Whether you are looking for more natural remedies or to save money instead of buying pharmaceutical solutions, this book is a wealth of information at your fingertips. Even if you aren’t looking for a specific remedy, the information in these pages is good to add to your general understanding of self-care. I would suggest this to every one of every age, whether you are an avid gardener like me, or more reliant on the grocery. This book has it all. Highly recommended!
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